4 Signs You Need to Know to Replace Your Furnace

Are you wondering if your furnace needs to be serviced or replaced? There are a few tell-tale signs that can help you determine if it's time for a new furnace. Excessive dust, dirt, soot, or rust particles, an unusually loud noise or rattles, visible signs of rust

4 Signs You Need to Know to Replace Your Furnace

Are you uncertain if your furnace needs to be serviced or replaced? There are a few tell-tale signs that can help you decide if it's time for a new furnace. If you notice excessive dust, dirt, soot, or rust particles, an unusually loud noise or rattles, visible signs of rust or cracks, and the age of the furnace, it may be time for a replacement. If your furnace is more than 15 years old, it's likely time to replace it. Even the best furnaces can't work effectively beyond 15 years, regardless of how well you care for them.

If you're not sure of the age of your furnace, contact the HVAC professionals at Draft Control today. They can help you determine if it's time for a new furnace and complete the replacement in an expert, professional manner at an affordable price. Frequent repairs are another sign that you need to replace your furnace. If you find yourself calling for repairs more than once a year, it's likely that your furnace is no longer working as efficiently as it should. This could be due to age or other factors, but either way, it's time to consider replacing your furnace. The efficiency of your furnace is also an important factor to consider when determining if it needs to be replaced.

If you notice that your energy bills are higher than usual or that your home isn't heating up as quickly as it used to, this could be a sign that your furnace is no longer working as efficiently as it should. Finally, strange noises coming from your furnace are a sign that something is wrong and that you should consider replacing it. Rattles, buzzes, and other strange noises are all indicators that something is wrong with your furnace and that it may need to be replaced. If any of these signs sound familiar to you, it may be time to replace your furnace. Contact the HVAC professionals at Draft Control today for help determining if it's time for a new furnace and completing the replacement in an expert, professional manner at an affordable price.

Lana Slonaker
Lana Slonaker

Wannabe zombie aficionado. Evil web advocate. Professional musicaholic. Incurable pizza specialist. Freelance internet trailblazer.