Becoming an HVAC Technician: What Training is Needed to Succeed?

Becoming an HVAC Technician requires dedication and hard work but it can be very rewarding for those who put in the effort.

Becoming an HVAC Technician: What Training is Needed to Succeed?

EPA Section 608 HVAC certification is a must for any professional who performs pressure tests on refrigerant lines or handles or adds refrigerant to existing air conditioning systems. Most training programs can provide information on how and where to get certified. To begin a career as an HVAC technician, a high school diploma or GED is the minimum requirement. The high school curriculum should hone the math and reading skills needed to get the job done.

However, few employers hire technicians with only a high school diploma or GED. People don't usually think much about their heating system or air conditioning units until one of them breaks down. That's when an HVAC technician is called in. An HVAC technician is different from a general contractor or any other specialty in the construction industry.

Since they are trained in all HVAC systems in general, some technicians specialize more in the types of work they do as their careers progress. For example, an HVAC installer may work for contractors who build new homes or buildings and specialize only in installing new systems rather than in repairs. Some HVAC technicians also specialize in air conditioning or refrigeration, and they move away from heating and ventilation. To become an HVAC technician, there are some important requirements to consider. First, they must be well-informed about the specific features of HVAC systems to perform repairs.

This requires mechanical skills, a detail-oriented personality, and the physical fitness needed to lift, move, and repair large equipment. While technical skills are essential, certain personality traits increase a potential HVAC technician's odds of success. They must be reliable, as many are called to work odd hours, including weekends. In addition, they must be able to explain the intricacies of an HVAC system to a customer who may not be familiar with the details of their building system.

They may also need to sell service contracts to their customers. Technical training and education are key requirements for becoming an HVAC technician. Before starting work, most HVAC technicians have at least some specialized training. Today, most HVAC technicians start by taking courses at a technical school or community college. Shorter programs can last just six months and result in an HVAC technician certificate, while longer programs can last up to two years and result in an associate degree.

To research local accreditation requirements, contact state authorities that grant HVAC licenses. However, some licenses transcend geography; the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that any technician who works with refrigerants (such as CFCs and HCFCs) be properly trained to handle and dispose of these hazardous chemicals. HVAC technicians can obtain certification in small appliances, low-pressure systems, and high-pressure systems, or they can obtain a universal certification that qualifies them to work with all refrigerant systems. The tests for these types of licenses are offered by several third-party companies and can be completed online. While there are numerous ways to become a certified HVAC technician, some choose to gain experience by obtaining on-the-job training or by participating in an apprenticeship program.

Others could enroll in accredited HVAC programs to better prepare for the competitive labor market. After some degree of formal education, more on-the-job training is usually required. Sometimes, this can take the form of an apprenticeship with an experienced HVAC technician. Other HVAC technicians will move directly from school to entry-level positions. At that time, there are several exam and certification options that can lead to more specialized work. While there are no national associations that an HVAC technician should join, many offer professional support and certifications.

One of the most prolific testing organizations, North American Technician Excellence (NATE), offers industrial competency exams (also known as ICE) in installation and service specialties. Advanced HVAC certifications can be attractive to both potential employers and customers, so many HVAC technicians choose to obtain them but they are not mandatory. Sometimes an employer may require more education to advance the job; for example, a non-specialty HVAC technician working for a construction company may need to obtain certification in the field of HVAC installation to advance and oversee new buildings. Ultimately, higher education and certification are the best ways to progress in a career as an HVAC technician. Along with ongoing technical experience, the path to becoming an HVAC technician can be varied and promising. Over time it will be dedication and experience to the trade that will determine if an HVAC technician continues to move up the ranks in terms of both responsibility and salary. Aspiring HVAC technicians must have strong skills in chemistry, physics, and other physical sciences.

In addition, competitive candidates may also have work or volunteer experience helping HVAC technicians. Candidates can apply for a certificate, associate program or bachelor's degree that includes courses on HVAC system design, refrigeration; energy management; load calculations; industrial code...In conclusion, becoming an HVAC technician requires dedication and hard work but it can be very rewarding for those who put in the effort.

Lana Slonaker
Lana Slonaker

Wannabe zombie aficionado. Evil web advocate. Professional musicaholic. Incurable pizza specialist. Freelance internet trailblazer.